Mission & Outreach
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God's desire for us to help those in need wherever we find them.
The Lord's Pantry
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Info Coming Soon. Please contact us for more information in the meantime.
Commercial Street Inn
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This is a shelter owned by Inn Vision, and is specifically for women and their children. We organize a monthly meal with Church volunteers preparing the meal and serving the meal at the Commercial Street Inn. This has been one of our mainstay and continuing efforts for over 10 years.

Feed the Need
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Meals brought to those during a time of need. We will make phone calls and ask people in our church family to fix a meal for those going through a difficult time. This program is not just for meals, but whatever people might need such as rides, etc. If you are unable to deliver the meal we will find a way to get the meal delivered.

Put a Sock In It
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An adult homeless shelter that is in desperate need of socks (and other basic items). Each month Jean Roberts collects socks the second Sunday of each month. You can bring socks (new and almost new) and put them in the box Jean will have set up at the church.

Be Kind. In Kind
Let's welcome our new neighbors and help them get started in their new. life. We will be collecting kitchen items (mixing bowls, pots, pans, baking dishes, dinnerware for six, knives, spatulas, spoons, can openers, etc.) or if you would rather donate money to purchase these items. Bring your donations to EVUMC on Sunday mornings. Let Sue know if you have any questions.

Turkey Truck
We start our Thanksgiving season by collecting whole turkeys and cash donations for those in need. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, Tom brings his truck to the church parking lot where we drop off the turkeys. After the service, Tom and the team go to the local supermarket to purchase items to make a Thanksgiving feast. Every year, Sheila (part of the team) always seems to run into a customer who wants to help by giving a cash donation or add items to her food cart. Yes, Sheila has a contagious personality. The Turkey Truck and their team take their bounty to the local shelter.

Easter Egg Hunt & Spring Community Celebration
Lots of eggs to hunt, a picture with Easter Bunny, face painting, Bounce House, egg coloring and crafts, hot dogs and ice cream.

B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Pumpkin)
A day with friends and family: Magic Show, Pumpkin carving and decoration, Castle Jump house with slide, games by Boy Scouts 296, Costume parade and contest, face painting, family photo booth, and free food! We have the field, you bring the Pumpkin and together we’ll have the best time.

Daily Prayer
Monday through Friday at 10:30 am, Hyacinth leads us through a scripture reading where we read, ask, discuss and learn about the Bible. We then end our time together with prayers.

Name that Pillowcase
Georgia and her friend, Diane, create and design personalized pillowcases for Foster Children in Santa Clara County. Pillowcases are coordinated with fabric by girl/boy and their first name is embroidered on each pillowcase. Once the pillowcases are finished and ready to be delivered, they are dropped off at the Bill Wilson Center where Heather has new pillows that have been donated. These precious gifts will be given to the foster child for Christmas.